When it comes to healthy skin, what you put inside the body is as important as what you apply topically.
The Advanced Nutrition Programme is a cutting edge range of beauty supplements which provide the optimum daily amounts vitamins, minerals and plant extracts to maintain vibrant health and glowing skin.
Only the finest, purest ingredients are used, in a form that is easily absorbed by the body.
Why choose Beauty Food Supplements?
Vitamin supplements are better for your skin than topical creams.
- They feed the skin over the entire body.
- They feed even the deeper layers of the skin.
Nutrition is an important part in maintaining healthy skin and for the healing process when skin cells become damaged. When you are healthy, your skin repairs at a faster rate. The most essential things for skin repair are energy, protein, fluid, fats, vitamins and minerals.
The following Vitamins are key for skin health-
Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Vitamin K and Vitamin E.
The skins integrity can be affected by diabetes, ageing, medication, obesity, infection, illness, renal disease or surgery. As we age the skin becomes thinner and produces less oil and moisture, both of which are essential for healthy skin. Skin becomes wrinkled due to less subcutaneous fat and collagen production takes longer which delays skin regeneration.
You cannot get everything the skin needs from a healthy diet alone. Important nutrients can be lost through, cooking, storage, growing conditions and refining- meaning the food you eat is not as nutritous as you may think.
For example when vegetables are boiled they can loose 20-50% of their B vitamins, 50% of their vitamin C and 20% of their minerals.
As well as the supplements for skin health, the Advanced Nutrition Programme also have a wellbeing range, these are carefully formulated to provide a broad spectrum of key nutrients for overall health, immunity and well being.